Our Philosophy

PLAY blends the practices of mindfulness, art, and yoga into innovative learning experiences for schools and families.

Using evidence-based teaching and age-appropriate techniques, our curriculum fosters mind-body connection, compassionate communication, and joyful exploration - fundamental life skills that pave the way for success in the classroom and at home.

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Mindfulness is the ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.

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Hands-on creative projects help students be deliberate and present. Art promotes self-discovery, self-expression, and develops healthy social-emotional skills.

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Yoga improves behavior, focus, strength, flexibility, balance, and self-regulation.


  • Increases body satisfaction

  • Reduces anxiety

  • Improves cognition

  • Helps the brain reduce distractions

  • Reduces implicit age and rage bias

  • May prevent and treat depression

PLAY’s programs focus on improving outcomes in three key areas:

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Self Awareness

Greater self-awareness empowers youth to make changes and build on strengths, as well as identifying areas where they would like to make improvements.

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The PLAY program increases strength and flexibility, calms the nervous system, and enhances focus and present-moment awareness.

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Mind-Body Connection

Improving the mind-body connection results in better emotional health. Young people feel good about themselves and have stronger relationships.